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That’s Rich: Bring on AI

Colour me enthusiastic about the potential for this emerging technology.

April 11, 2024  By Rich Porayko

Oh great, now AI is angry, too. The secret is out, and AI has taken the world by storm. In an alarmingly short amount of time, the advancements are showcasing a plethora of benefits for almost any industry, including our beloved Division 8. More and more apps and websites are using AI co-pilot virtual assistants to generate text and automate routine tasks, freeing up valuable time and resources for more complex projects. This technology can assist with tasks such as content creation, search engine optimization, and user engagement optimization. For instance, LinkedIn has now enabled AI to re-write your LinkedIn post.

Do I use Artificial Intelligence? All the time. I, for one, welcome our new AI overlord. 

I love that Spotify’s deejay, known as DJ X knows my music taste so well that it can almost instantaneously pick a better play list than I can. DJ X is a personalized AI guide based off the voice of Spotify’s “head of cultural partnerships,” Xavier “X” Jernigan. X recognizes my affinity for The Tragically Hip, apparently particularly from 2016, a year marred by Gord Downey’s struggle with brain cancer during The Hip’s final tour. Was that really eight years ago? I can barely remember what I had for breakfast, but AI remembers the exact songs I was listening to most almost a decade ago. 

Two words: generative fill. It is a miracle. Adobe Photoshop’s generative fill or Canva’s Magic Edit, among others, are powerful AI-driven features that enable users to edit and generate complex images in a matter of seconds. This feature uses machine learning algorithms to create stunning graphics from a single image that is used as a reference. Removing an object in Photoshop is a straightforward process. However, the challenging aspect lies in accurately filling in the background behind the object or person. Photographic cloning works great however, with generative fill, graphic designers can modify and add sophisticated designs that regularly would have taken hours to create from scratch. Recently I wanted to post a photo on social media from a trip to Bethlehem in 1999. The only problem was an ex-girlfriend was in the image so it wasn’t appropriate to post. Using the generative fill feature, I highlighted the object (a person in this case) and clicked the remove button. Within seconds, the app provided multiple thumbnail options with the object removed and replaced with filled-in details of the Church of the Nativity and its surroundings, previously obstructed in the twenty-five-year-old two-dimensional photo. Not only was this a huge time savings, but it also created an exciting value-added service that was previously cost-and-time prohibitive. 

AI offers predictive capabilities that help companies forecast trends. Businesses are using AI to predict potential problems in their production processes before they become big issues. Manufacturers can quickly and efficiently analyze data to identify potential defects and adjust to achieve optimal quality targets preventing wastage and increase efficiency, ultimately leading to significant cost savings and increased profitability. AI-powered computer-simulation is allowing architects and designers to create hyper-realistic design models of the built environment in a quicker, more efficient and cost-effective process than traditional design methods. 

Glass businesses looking to automate customer service can provide an even more significant edge. AI-powered chatbots can handle customer queries and complaints 24/7, helping consumers get the help they need when they need it, without having to wait for human intervention. Additionally, AI-powered customer service solutions help optimize communication channels, allowing businesses to streamline their customer service operations even further.

Some people are upset about the changes AI may bring. But they should remember that if some countries severely restrict AI, other countries will continue to develop and grow the technology leaving them behind. With the construction landscape going through uncertain times, there is a lot talk about adapting to change. When the world changes, you have to change with it. There is truth in saying that the only way to prevent AI from taking your job is to use AI to do your job better.  

Thanks AI! You’re welcome, Rich! •

Rich Porayko is business development director for Fenestration Canada Commercial

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