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IGMA to answer member questions about proposed AAMA merger in webinar

March 9, 2019  By Insulating Glass Manufacturers Alliance

IGMA announced today that it will be offering a live broadcast to members on Thursday, March 21st at 10:00 a.m. EDT on its website. During the broadcast, IGMA Executive Director Margaret Webb and AAMA Executive Vice President Janice Yglesias will discuss the potential for combining the two organizations, as well as answer live questions from IGMA members. During the broadcast, members will be able to submit questions.

To view the broadcast, tune into this URL at the proper time on March 21st: Members will be required to login to watch. If you haven’t registered for access to IGMA’s Member Only site, click here to submit a request form for approval.

This broadcast marks the third interactive session offered by IGMA to provide the IGMA membership with current developments and the opportunity to provide feedback. The final proposal will be issued to the IGMA and AAMA memberships in advance of the joint Summer Conferences. The final proposal will be presented to both members in Victoria, British Columbia in June in conjunction with the joint conference.

IGMA main site

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