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IGMA December 2016 – Leadership education for glaziers

December 5, 2016  By Margaret Webb

The Insulating Glass Manufacturers Alliance will launch a new leadership development course for the architectural glass industry in January, 2017.

Most organizations operate at 50 per cent of their intelligence capacity or less, and experience lower than 35 per cent engagement with employees. We’ve observed that leaders are one of two types: Leadership Multipliers or Empire Builders.  IGMA’s new leadership development program is designed to improve soft skills using strategies to develop character strength recognition and communication skills to develop “leadership multipliers” rather than “empire builders.” Empire builders surround themselves with talent that makes them look good. Leadership multipliers attract great people and empower them.

IGMA’s program is a 12-month, web-based program designed in one-and-a-half hour sessions lead by Oak Moser from Coaching2Connect. Oak, formerly the plant manager of a large manufacturing plant, has over 35 years’ experience in the insulating glass industry.  This industry-specific knowledge and expertise, combined with the proven training methods of the DISC program, makes this program unique not only for insulating glass manufacturers but anyone involved in the fenestration industry today.

The twelve modules for the program include:

  • Leadership spectrum: This is a description of the skills required to be an effective leader in today’s complex world, including personalities, values, issues, world events, and Millennial employees.
  • Character strength finder: Here we help every leader identify their natural strengths and begin to understand how and when to use them.
  • Communicating with all personalities: This module teaches understanding of preferred personality styles. It provides insights into the likes and dislikes of each style.
  • Culture and values: Organizations with a strong culture also have clarity in their purpose, cause and belief. Here we highlight the day-to-day activities required to build a strong culture
  • Building trust: People want the unity of hope, affection and high purpose. This training will focus on the activities and behaviours associated with building people up.
  • Leadership multiplier: Participants will identify what types of activities and actions lead towards “diminisher” versus “multiplier” effects in their day-to-day lives.
  • Skills development approach: A skilled team will beat a tenured team every day. Here the focus is on how to identify, track and develop skill for the organization. The key to maximizing efficiency is through skill development.
  • Coaching versus managing: This module incorporates best practices from both the competitive business and sports sectors. Great leaders incorporate a coaching mindset to develop their teams.
  • Planning communications: Leaders must map out their planned communications for the month, quarter and year. If a new program or challenge is upon us, how will we roll out this messaging so as not to discourage the team and generate “buy I”?
  • Motivating performance: Like it or not, every leader must motivate and inspire to get the most out of everyone for team success. People can do more, have more, and be more than they think. Participants will learn to develop skill within their natural presenter style, how to inspire and engage each personality style and how to sell their visions and ideas with traction.
  • Emotional intelligence: Often referred to as the most important set of skills in leadership, this module leads to increased understanding of human behaviour. In it, we review of the 15 subscales found in emotional intelligence.

Dealing with difficult people One of life’s certainties is that we will all face situations in dealing with a difficult person. This training will help participants understand what triggers emotions in each of us and how to leverage the prior training to reach the best possible outcome when confronting bad behaviour.

For further information contact IGMA (613-233-1510, ext. 103) or visit the IGMA website at Registration is open.

Margaret Webb is the executive director of the Insulating Glass Manufacturers Alliance.

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