Glass Canada

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A conversation with Trulite on the Vitro Quality Award

June 20, 2024  By Macenzie Rebelo

A factory, full of glass equipment.Photo courtesy of Trulite.

Toronto-based glass manufacturer Trulite Glass and Aluminum Solutions plant has earned a prestigious award from Vitro for achieving the Highest Quality Audit score among Vitro Certified Fabricators in all of North America. 

Trulite has 23 fabrication facilities in the U.S., and three locations in Canada. The company offers a line of aluminum products, fabricated glass alongside decorative glass and mirrors to consumers. Terry Berman, general manager of Trulite Glass joins Glass Canada to discuss Trulite’s commitment to glass excellence and achievement. 

Why is Trulite Glass different from other manufacturers? 

The range we give our customers differentiates us from the manufacturers in the local market. We’ve just recently invested $11 million in our plant, our owners have invested $11 million in a new IG line, a new lamination oven, a new tempering oven and a new digital print line. We can give our customers higher-quality glass and bigger IG units compared to most manufacturers in the local market. 

What was the audit process like? 

Vitro Certified Fabricators will audit all the fabricators in North America. They come in and will audit your process – from when you receive the glass, how the glass is stored and then looking at all the steps till the final product is made. They also take a look at your full facility and how you process glass. That whole procedure is how they come up with their audit score. So, we have received the highest audit score for every manufacturer they’ve looked at in North America that is Vitro certified. It’s a great accomplishment. 

How does it feel to receive this award?

We were not shocked but at the same time, we were. It truly is a great award. There’s a lot of hard work that goes into receiving an award like this – it’s tremendous. I wish I could take any of the credit. But, our quality manager, our production manager, all the lead hands, all our supervisors – they’re the ones who day in and day out keep up the shop. They are the ones who ensure that the greatest standards are being met and that employees are being held accountable. Plus, all of our employees are the ones who are absolutely carrying out all the quality checks, making sure that the final product goes out to our customers.


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